One Ocean Week (English)

Plakat med bilde av arbeider i arbeidsklær med hvit hjelm, og teksten kompetanse for framtidas drivstoff i maritim næring

09 April - Future Fuel Competence in the Maritime Industry

Date: 09 April 
Time: 13.30–15.00 (CET) 
Location: Marineholmen
Organiser: Maritime CleanTech and Ocean Hyway Cluster

Norway’s maritime industry is at the forefront of developing and adopting zero-emission fuels like hydrogen and ammonia. With new technology comes the need for new skills and knowledge.

What kind of training is essential for the green transition, and how must educational institutions adapt to meet the industry's demand for expertise in hydrogen-based fuels? 

Meet up when Maritime CleanTech and Ocean Hyway Cluster are bringing together industry leaders and academia to tackle these questions during One Ocean Week in Bergen.

The event is sponsored by Vestland County Council.

Practical Information