One Ocean Week (English)

Mann lener seg til et rekkverk og ser utover en fiskemerd
Bilde: Anders Ekanger

07 April - Knowledge and innovation for growth in the aquaculture industry

Date: 07 April 
Time: 15.00–17.00 (CET) 
Location: Thon Hotel Orion
Organiser: NCE Seafood Innovation, Vest Næringsråd and Øygarden Municipality

We invite you to a seminar on how we can move away from the red traffic light on the West Coast of Norway. Meet key stakeholders from business, research, and governance as they discuss different perspectives on how to tackle this major challenge for the region.

Among the speakers, you will hear from:

  • Halfdan Mellbye, SANDS Advokatfirma
  • Even Søfteland, PO3/4 Kunnskapsinkubator
  • Anders Lamberg, Skandinavisk naturovervåking
  • Geir Lasse Taranger, Havforskningsinstituttet / Fra rød til grønn kyst

Moderator: Solveig Holm, NCE Seafood Innovation

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