Member of the One Ocean Youth panel, Amber LeBlanc has a background in microplastic research and years of environmental and social advocacy. She is outspoken when it comes to the impact of economic divides on both the planet and humanity's relationship with it. LeBlanc firmly believes that initiatives like the One Ocean Youth Panel and One Ocean Week may play a vital role in driving global change.
Watch video with Amber below:
Microplastics in the air
She emphasizes the importance of platforms like the One Ocean Youth Panel for addressing ocean related issues and bridging economic and social divides to create a more sustainable future. She has spent most of her life on the Atlantic Coast where her interest and passion for the natural world began. Her master's degree in environmental studies continued to deepen her interest in microplastics - not only its impact on the ocean but also their presence in the air we breathe.
Ocean Science Communication
Beyond her research, LeBlanc is devoted to ocean science communication, environmentalism and social activism. She sees widening economic and social divides as one of today's greatest challenges. She says dialogue is key and addresses the importance of highlighting different perspectives when it comes to ocean related issues.
LeBlanc emphasizes that by embracing our shared humanity and leading with passion, the world can heal the economic divides that exist today. Ultimately, she believes this will pave the way for a more sustainable relationship between people and the planet.